Sunday 6 November 2011

Dark Vow by Shona Husk

Jaines Cord plans to kill the man who murdered her husband, even though killing a Bounty Hunter is said to be impossible. One bullet took away her livelihood, her home and her love. One bullet made by her. Fired from the gun she completed for the Arcane Bounty Hunter.

Obsidian wears the scars of disobeying the powerful Arcane Union. He barely escaped with his life and now lives quietly, in a town the lawmen forgot. When Jaines arrives asking too many questions, he's faced with a decision. Help her or run...again. Obsidian knows that if he flees he'll always be looking over his shoulder. His name is one of the first on the Bounty Hunter's death list.

Yet when Obsidian is offered an opportunity to stop the stone taking over his body in exchange for retrieving the gun, he asks Jaines for her help. Now Jaines must choose: a dead man's vengeance or a living man's hope?

Release Date 14th November 2011

Set in a world with 10 lords, each job/calling vowing to a different one. The magic users vow to the Arcane Lord, the gunsmiths/blacksmith etc. vow to the Smith lord, and there's also the Farmer, Miner, Carpenter, Stonemason, Weaver, Brewer, Hunter and Warrior. But women aren't allowed to get papers for a profession so Jaines was never allowed to be a qualified Smith so when her husband is killed she doesn't have a lot of options. Her rage makes her vow vengeance against the Bounty Hunter that killed her husband.

Jaines is strong and independent, even in what seems to be a seemingly western-aged time. And she and Obsidian are a perfect fit for each other.

I loved the writing and story in this book. This is also another new author to me, and I find a lot of the Carina Press books I'm reading are introducing some great authors to me.

Amazon UK: Dark Vow

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